"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Goodbye Summer, Hello Back to School!

All the boys...

I am very tired.  Seems I always am ;o).  We had a busy weekend, which doesn't really set it apart from any other.  We celebrated my oldest son's birthday with a group of his friends at the bowling alley~complete with hot dogs, pop corn, sprite, and "Mario" cupcakes.  The boys were all very good~so polite, such wonderful manners, and so appreciative.  Even my youngest (all of 2 now!!!) cooperated pretty well.  We only lost track of him a couple of times ;o).  I had lots of "helpers" who enjoyed assisting me in keeping him in line.  We came back to our house and I've never been more thankful that we got Max a Wii last Christmas :o)!  A Lego Star Wars tournament ensued that kept them busy till their parents arrived.
The house is semi-picked up now.  Vacuuming needed to be done majorly.  Lots of dirty feet tracking in dirt and grass.  Laundry is "caught up" (for the next five minutes anyway).  Although I will confess there is one more load in the dryer and I may just "forget" about it till tomorrow.  The dishes are done and the kitchen is wiped down.  I promised the boys funnel cakes after supper tonight--but only if they eat ALL of their supper--what that is going to be, I have yet to decide.  We don't really have any left overs in the fridge.  There's one piece of lasagna, but I doubt it can be split four ways :O).  There is also some cheesy potato/chicken soup--but I'm really not quite sure how long it's been in there...
Part of the reason for the afore said special dessert is that the first day of school is tomorrow.  I can not believe how fast this summer has flown by.  Each one seems to fly by faster than the last.  Every other parent I've talked to is SO excited for their little ones (and big ones) to be headed back.  I'm not in the least.  Thank goodness my attitude is not rubbing off on my son.  He is super excited to start back to school!  He's been wishing the days away since we attended open house last week.
I agree that education is vitally important and I KNOW that my kids need it.  My husband is a teacher and I teach pre-K, so I get it already :O).  I'm just going to miss so many things about our summer 'routine' ;o). 
My husband started coaching a week or so ago.  Now will come the extra practices and meets on top of all the work that is required of him for teaching alone, so the boys and I will not see much of him.  Along with that, Hawkeye football starts--so we will just say goodbye to Daddy on the weekends for the next several months.  My oldest will also start football--his last year of flag.  I CAN NOT believe they start tackle in third grade already!  So we'll have practices and his games--games are most often on Sundays. 
I'll miss being able to let the boys stay out late playing outside--no more baseball in the backyard, riding bikes, catching frogs (aka "Bobbies), blowing bubbles, drawing with chalk, tossing bean bags, all till the sunsets.  Now it'll be school, practice, baths, homework, reading time, supper sometime in all that, and bed.  It saddens me.  I hate the rigidity.  There's barely time for what HAS to be done at night once school starts--let alone time for anything fun.  But, the boys DO need a break from each other.  They've been fighting a lot.  It HAS, admittedly, been driving me a little crazy.  
Off to Target for some jeans for Max.  He has grown so much and everything is too short.  He really wants a pair that he saw in the add with a skull and cross bones on it--which, for anyone who knows my son, is just kind of funny.  I'm sure we'll spend more than we intend--which seems to be the way of Target, then come home for supper, funnel cakes, baths, Bible time and prayer time and bed.  It will be so hard for them to see a light sky and understand why they can't be playing under it.  But, it will soon enough become routine once again.
Happy back to school to y'all!

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Doorway

The Doorway
from "The Wild Iris" by Louise Gluck

I wanted to stay as I was
still as the world is never still,
not in midsummer but the moment before
the first flower forms, the moment
nothing is as yet past~

not midsummer, the intoxicant,
but late spring, the grass not yet
high at the edge of the garden, the early tulips
beginning to open~

like a child hovering in a doorway, watching the others,
the ones who go first,
a tense cluster of limbs, alert to
the failures of the others, the public falterings

with a child's fierce confidence of imminent power
preparing to defeat
these weaknesses, to succumb
to nothing, the time directly

prior to flowering, the epoch of mastery

before the appearance of the gift,
before possession.