"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Friday, July 13, 2012

Dizzy, dizzy girl...

Sitting in an absolutely still and quiet house.  This never happens.  Marty took the boys out for dinner.  I've been struggling with this horrible dizziness/vertigo and a sinus infection for a few weeks now.  Onto a new antibiotic as of yesterday, and hoping to feel like my "normal" self soon.  Please, dear God, please...
My house is in a shambles.  Toys everywhere.  And by everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE.  Griffyn has even left some of his Lego guys on the side of the bathtub--who has the time to put them down when you have to pee?!?  So, they get brought to the bathroom, and are promptly forgotten after hand washing.  My kitchen?  Goodness.  If the vertigo doesn't make me dizzy, the thought of putting everything in it's proper place when I can certainly does...
I always seem to get the weird things, and the things that hang on--that require not just one, but two rounds of antibiotic and several "wait and sees" and "if this doesn't work we'll see you again in ten days".  Who the heck wants to wait ten days?  That's me being impatient.  I have too much to do.  That's me being me...
I can barely stand up, let alone run or work out, so that's been curbed.  Which also stresses me out to no end.  It's my "me" time, my place to get my thoughts in order and to feel a sense of re-energization (yes, made up word) and renewal (a real one).  Gone.  Taking a shower is enough for me. 
Times like these, the Ipad is my bestest little bed buddy.  If all I can do is lie around, I might as well have some fun looking to see how the other healthy half lives on face book or scouring yummy recipe ideas or new craft projects for the boys and I on Pinterest.  Makes me feel like I'm doing something, at least.  Makes me feel like it anyway.  The illusion lasts for a few moments...
And Marty has been phenomenal.  I know how much energy my boys require, and even if the house is a tornado of toys and dishes, he has allowed me to rest and given me quiet.  That takes a lot of work and I am so grateful. 
And why is it that  I always get knocked off my feet in our busiest times?  I want to be mentally/emotionally present for a big night tomorrow night--saying goodbye to some great friends who are moving.  I missed their company being sick with this same junk last weekend and it just doesn't seem fair (and yes, I have cried over this!!!).  I hope to be able to go, sit up, and last for a few hours.  My sister and Harold are coming for a visit from Brooklyn in just a few short days and we begin our family vacation to Madison by the end of next week--plans with girlfriends and a fun party as soon as we get back from Wisconsin.  This all requires an immaculate house and baking.  Both of which require a certain amount of mental clarity and energy--neither of which I have at the moment.  And then there's my job--which I can not miss any of to get said family vacation.  It will happen...
This dizzy fog has made me very anxious, to say the least, and I hate not knowing what it is that is "wrong with me".  The older I get, the more goes wrong--and the weirder that "wrong" gets.  I'm in good hands and the Lord knows and I will be fine.  Again, the type A planner in me gets frustrated with hypothesis diagnosis...
I've caught up on Bravo.  The only time I EVER watch TV is when I'm sick and need something to take my mind off of how horrible my body feels.  We're all good on the Real Housewives in every county and city and Project Runway.  And my, how MTV has changed!  Couldn't stomach any of it.  Could just be the constant nausea, however...
So, a giant thank you to my husband and my amazing boys who wish me better with lots of hugs and kisses.  Praying for this vertigo junk to stop.  That's the most annoying part of all of this--the not being able to move or stand up without wanting to vomit--oh, and objects jumping/growing off the walls.  I have never experienced anything so yucky.  HATE IT!  I keep trying to convince myself that it is NOT a brain tumor pushing against my skull and causing all of this craziness.  Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Kindergarten Cop" comes to mind ("it's not a tuma!")
So, typing is making me feel like I'm going to throw up, so close my eyes I must.  Wishing you all health and peace (and please, someone, go on a long, prayerful run for me!!!).  Love to you all!