"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A heart full of thanks...

"Let us come before Him with thanksgiving..."  Psalm 95:2

Every night before bed, the boys and I say our prayers.  If Daddy's home he joins us too.  I think it is very important to pray as a family, to put our fears, hopes, dreams, requests, and thankfulness together before the Lord.  
Lately, Griffyn has been VERY insistent that he wants a baby.  He's been adamant that he is no longer the baby, and he thinks we really just need another one.  So, he prays nightly for "a new baby, not a tid, a baby".  And not JUST a baby~~more specifically "a sister".  =)  I have to smile and take great delight in this as it does not come from me in the least (I am officially "over" my 2 year baby urge~~cured! ;)).  I can barely handle the two I have and can't imagine being even MORE sleep deprived!  So sorry, G, no go...
I think, in large part, Griff's obsession  has to do with his friend Jakson at daycare.  Jakson has a baby sister and all we hear about at our house is "baby Yivia".  Griffyn is apparently smitten.  He did ask Jakson if he could have "Yivia", and apparently Jakson isn't ready to give her up just yet ;).  I don't think mommy Allison is either =).
Griffyn recently saw a mommy carrying a baby at Max's football practice and told me he wanted THAT baby.  "Just doe det her, mommy"!  So, I went into a light explanation about how we can't just walk up to random people and take their babies ('that's called kidnapping, Griffyn, and that would make that Mommy really sad and get your Mommy in big trouble').  To this explanation he replied, "Tan't we dust share?". 
His next frame of thinking was that "You should dust doe buy one at da store, Momma.  I think you should doe to Target." (ahhhhh, I have my boys trained so well~~all happy things are found at that magical place called 'Target' ;)).  So this involved further explanation that I didn't want to go TOO deeply into about how babies are a miracle made in the Mommy's tummy and when it's time God takes them out. 
So Griff wanted to know how they stay in the Mommy's tummy and don't get lost somewhere else in her body (I can honestly say I have never been asked this question by a three year old).  Thus came a brief explanation about the umbilical cord that connects the baby to the inside of the Mommy and how it gets cut off by the Daddy or the Doctor when the baby is born and that's why Griff has a belly button.  After pulling up his shirt and briefly checking his out, he said, "Otay" and ran off to play on the climber.  Whew!  Done with questions for awhile.  His curiosity was satisfied.
So that brings me back to our nightly prayers.  I encourage the boys to thank God for at least three blessings from their day.  Max usually takes the easy way out ;), and always thanks God for Mommy, Daddy, and Griffyn (efficient, right?).  Griffyn usually goes into more detail talking about ALL the things he's done and had fun doing (while I'm quite sure he has a very grateful heart, I'm also a little suspicious that he does this to delay bedtime just that much more ;)).  We say prayers for friends who are hurting and going through tough times, and we thank Jesus for dying on the cross for us so that we can always be together forever as a family in heaven. 
Things were going pretty run of the mill last night.  The boys were thanking God for our pending trip to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch and for the nice weather then Griffyn blurts out "Desus, I thank you for my BELLY BUTTON!"  Max burst out laughing.  "Your belly button?"  I ask.  "Griffyn, love, why did you thank Jesus for your belly button?".  With an exasperated sigh as in 'duh Mom, you really should know these things', he says, "Tause it makes you MY Mommy."  My heart melted just a little.  "Why yes it does, G" I said tucking him in.  Then I heard Max mutter under his breath, "Jesus, I thank you for my belly button too."  =)
God, I thank you for my boys....  and for their belly buttons that make them mine.  There is not greater blessing on this earth. 

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