"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Abnormal as usual...

Second consult with Dr. Fry yesterday, and for those of you who are really bored, here's the update (smile).  
Two more ultrasounds yesterday (thought it was just going to be one more)~lying down and standing to record the reflux again.  The standing one was the new one-and weird-and as I have no coordination, I was really just trying not to fall over.  The insurance company needs to know that I have continuous reflux while sitting AND standing, apparently (guess they have to make sure you could quite possibly die if you don't have surgery).  This tech was so much more proactive and got me involved by letting me see the screen (so strange seeing the INSIDE of your body-but so cool too =)), explained everything, let me hear the blood flow and reflux, and answered all questions.  She was amazing.  And the jelly was warm =). 
After all that prodding and pushing we went into the consult room and sat forever waiting for the nurse to come in and ask us the same questions we were asked three months ago.  After MORE waiting, Dry Fry came in and apologized for our long wait (we had been there for two hours at this point), sighed and sat down. 
Gotta love it when the surgeon starts out by saying, "Normally, most people with varicositis and reflux...".  Great, I could only imagine where this was going.  Why is my body always abnormal?  He went on to tell me that most people with the issues I have have one underlying (he used a MUCH bigger word) vein that is working (not refluxing) and one that is refluxing (not working).  In my case BOTH of my leg's main veins (again, much bigger word used) are refluxing.  Sweet.  So, the surgery will be more extensive than he had thought.  The original vein he wanted to strip will still have to be stripped (the word alone makes me cringe a little) but then he said they will have to go underneath that vein and laser the two main refluxing veins as well or I'm just going to have the same problem reoccur somewhere else in my leg.  Recovery time?  Three to four weeks.  Awesome~cause that will totally work with my two boys and my job.  My poor husband!!!  Guess this is payback for football season? (wink)...
Next step, resubmitting all of this new information to our awesome and ever so helpful insurance company (dripping sarcasm) that over half of my pay check goes to each pay period.  We'll get a call from the nurse next week to give us a ball park figure and we'll set up a surgery date.  Because it's more extensive than he originally thought (which makes me feel a little better~I thought I was just being a baby about all this pain), it will more than likely cost more and take more of his time.  Of course.  So, by next week we'll see if we have to take a second mortgage out on the house or not (wink).  And I'll be returning those new boots I just ordered for my cousin's wedding as well. 
Long visit, more questions answered, and I got to see and hear the inside of my body.  He commented that I have the start of reflux happening in my right leg as well, but we'll revisit that later.  I'm in my mid thirties.  Really? 
Marty was a trooper.  So glad he came with me (and he didn't fall asleep during the ultrasounds this time =)).  So now we just sit and wait for that phone call next week while Dr. Fry deals with our insurance company (his direct words, "I'll be fighting for you.  Their 'rules' on this stuff change every week."  Great comfort).  Thanks for all the well wishes and support all!  I appreciate it so much!  And now as my boys are rocking out to 'Back In Black' (ug!), I should probably get off the computer and return to my motherly duties.  I think it's time to bake another batch of chocolate chip cookies!!! =)  God bless!

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