"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Friday, June 10, 2011

All in a day...

This spring has been full of activities and more activities!  For a person who doesn't always relish being social, I have no choice but to jump in feet first (smile).  Being the momma of these two boys makes caffeine a daily necessity (as well as under eye cream-HA!)!!! 
A very busy day.  A decent run--very muddy due to all of the flooding our poor little town has experienced (nothing like seeing a family of ducks swimming across what was once a road--and saying a prayer for all the farmers out there who's farm land is now lakes and rivers), loads and loads of laundry, dusting the whole house, baking cookies, cleaning all the bathrooms, organizing toys, paying bills, and cooking dinner--one tired momma. 
Managed to play with the boys outside for a bit and now I'm ready to pass out.  My sister, who resides in Brooklyn, is coming home tomorrow.  Hence all the cleaning.  It will last for a day (smile), but at least our "first impression" will be a good one.  We also have a birthday party and possibly a game--all depending on whether we receive more rain.  Our weekends seem to be just as jam packed as our weeks.  Gone are the days of just doing nothing.  I miss those sometimes.  I think the boys do too. 
Griff managed to squeeze in some play dough time today too.  He's one of those kids who seems to need something "new" every five minutes.  A little frustrating when your "to do" list is a mile long.  Now we're waiting for cookies to cool and I'm waiting for the boys to go down so I can take a bubble bath (and "sort" through more toys).  Marty was busy working on the boys' play set for our back yard today.  We seem to be missing a few pieces of lumber.  Why does this always seem to happen to us?  It's quite the project, and we can't wait for him to get it done!!!  Swings, slide, ladders, and sandbox here we come!  (and I can just sit on the deck and watch!!!  big smile!).
Happy summer, and we look forward to more weddings and gatherings and baseball--and possibly a few naps?  Who has time for sleep, right?  Keeping busy keeps us all out of trouble, I guess, and I NEVER hear the words "I'm bored" around the house anymore.  A key sign of spring and summer's return...
Molly's wedding

a zoo trip (Griff was terrified of the dinosaur exhibit!)

Max's tournament team~Coach Osterhouse

taking a break between ball games to cool off and play 'Angry Birds' on the Ipad2 with Daddy

the boys had fun baby sitting Stella for Stacey (although they nicknamed her "Hissy")

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