"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A baby named John...

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 
1 Peter 5:7

     Been down in the dumps, as of late.  Just got over a bad round of the flu (so cleaning up barf last week in our preschool room may not have helped) and missed all of our family's special fourth of July activities.  Sad.  Got sick at the street dance (after feeling tired and yucky all day and just pushed through then it hit--three rounds of Excedrin later), missed our town's parade (and watching Max ride in their baseball float and throw candy at all of his friends--bonus: their team White Sox float won--exciting for an eight year old boy), all the park's fun festivities, and the fireworks.  Very bummed.  So much for that annual scrap book page.  And it's back to work tomorrow.  At least I didn't have to use a sick day, right? 
     So, I decided to catch up on emails and check out my girlfriend's blogs, and reread Gina's blog about her unborn son, John's, heart.  Again, tears.  Again, blown away by her amazingly steadfast faith.  Again, reminded of how truly blessed I am.  If any of you get a chance to read it, please do (see my blog side bar at right--"John's Heart") and please, please, please pray for John, Gina, and their entire family.  Max has been fervently praying each night for this little baby that has yet to be born and he daily reminds me to do the same.  Gina and Kyle, you are always in our thoughts and prayers.  Your faith is beyond inspiring.  Your courage unfathomable.
     And so I go to the word for a little extra push (my other daily vitamin), and open to 1 Peter and the above verse hits me like a sledge hammer.  "Cast all your anxiety on him...".  ALL of it, not just some of it--ALL of it.  It's not healthy to carry it around all by ourselves, nor does he want us to.  Then comes the second part--the 'because'...  "Because he cares for you."  He CARES for us.  He cares for me.  How awesome is that?  God truly cares for us, not because he needs anything from us and not just like a passing thought in the wind--but enough to want us to unload--completely unload--on him. 
     And this is so much easier said than done for some of us.  Really?  Give it all up?  Because who will take care of it if I really let go?  Whom can I really TRUST with all this stuff but me?  No one better than God, right?  Yet it's tough.  But that's what FAITH is all about.  Trusting in what we can not see, in a future that we can't control, but is in the loving, and caring, hands of our God.
     And again I am brought back to John's story and the strength of a woman named Gina.  And I have renewed courage and strength as I think of her and her son's future battles and how our heavenly Father has a plan for John, for Gina and Kyle, and for the two beautiful  children they have.  I think of the anxiety Gina must face as a mommy--for her unborn son and for her entire family--and am blown away by her dedication to the Lord in this extremely difficult time.  And my 'issues' seem minute.   God bless the Ten Pas family...

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