"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I get by with a little help from my friends...

This gray dreariness is not helping this momma who just wants to curl up in bed and sleep for days.  Attempted workout that has been abandoned for the past two weeks due to illness, and in my pathetic attempt, fell off that darn balance ball--hitting myself in the hip with my meager ten pound weight on the way down.  Ouch.  Balance still off, but was hoping to fight through it so some extent.  Treadmill fared no better.  Dizzy and a rotating belt do not mix.  Stupid ears!  Hoping to be able to sweat and lift soon.  As G says, "Momma, you detting squisshy!".
Marty is now sick--just in time for conferences--and our busy, busy weekend.  Is there any other kind?  Long night with Maxaroo last night and tough morning getting to school.  He has his conference tonight and is worried he's 'failing everything'.  A+'s and great grades and over and above average bench mark scores can't seem to convince him otherwise.  Such is the nature of the beast.  Griffyn, on the other hand, is all grins and giggles.  Seems he has a new "dirlfriend" at school he likes to "wub teeks with, not tiss, so don't worry, Momma".  I must have given him some kind of disapproving look because very defensively he said, "We tan't help it, Momma!  We're dust SO TUTE!!!". (yes, he is currently seeing someone for his speech--and he is convinced she is teaching him Spanish...) Two very different boys.
So, as my body is healing and my muscles wasting away, and I gag down yet another banana (this antibiotic I've been subjugating my body to for the past two weeks sucks out potassium which can lead to serious tendon breakage issues--like I need more--so I need to eat potassium rich foods--was really hoping it would be cupcakes--HA!) and ibuprofen for this darn headache, I concede defeat.  Not 'hold my head down in shame' defeat, just I will admit 'I can not do and be all that I want to be right now' defeat.  Hopefully soon, but just not now (giant bruise on hip as gentle reminder).
And I am also reminded of something far more positive.  The awesome love I have in my life.  Aside from my blessing of family with my gorgeous boys, I have the most loving and amazing friends.  Friends who don't mind that my heart is too connected to my mouth and not often enough to my brain, who say 'I love you' in words and action, who love my boys, and fill up my heart and soul lest it should be empty, who remind me of God's love and increase my faith.  These woman are my sisters and I love them so.  There is no competition, no gossip, no feeling of 'having to measure up' to some enigma of standards that make you a 'better person'.  Just me, just us, wading through the trenches of this life together with God in our hearts and hands available to steady our walk when those trenches get extra sucky and murky.
And through all of our busy, we have each other's hearts, backs, souls in mind--and though it's very difficult for me to ask for 'help'--I know they are always there.  Beautiful blessings, each and every one.  Love you and so thankful for you.  And thank you for giving me the strength to "plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far..." in the words of my Emerson--or, in the words or our beloved "Dory" to, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." 

Hugs always!

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