"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Friday, December 21, 2012

And a Very Merry Christmas to One And All...

December 2012
Max's fourth grade music concert...
So here we are as yet another year is ending.  Blessings and love to you all, as I’m sure it has been a whirlwind for you too!  I am sitting here with my tea in my pajamas and slippers, and channeling peace as the whir of machinery goes on in our backyard—the beeping, the digging, the yelling of the construction workers, the rattling of pipes and tubing—and I find it to be such a metaphor for this year for our family and for so many of those we love.  Peace and joy in the midst of circumstances.  And we have such a mighty God for that, don’t we?   “For he himself is our peace…” Ephesians 2:14 “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17  How great a savior!

Our boys have had fun watching all the construction in our backyard these past few months...
Max ended up having to get his tonsils taken out in March.  After getting strep a few too many times, it was inevitable.  He had a few minor complications that made recovery time take a bit longer, and he was such a trooper!  He felt the love from family and friends (thanks, all!) and we were so very proud of him!  Spring and summer was baseball, baseball, and did I mention baseball?  He loved it and is already looking forward to it next year.  Basketball has started, and Max is very excited that Dad is his coach this year.  Max has also had to adjust to being in a new building as a fourth grader out in Hartford and away from his Dad for the first time (and riding a bus).  He turned double digits on us—10!—and decided that instead of getting presents, he wanted his friends to donate money to our dear friend, Nicole, who has been courageously fighting cancer over the past year.  He tearfully told Marty and I, “I have enough stuff.  I just want Nicole to get better.”  On his birthday, we went over to Nic’s house and were able to hang out and enjoy the day with the McComas crew (we love you guys)—lots of fun, hugs, and love to go around (a bit of Wii dance and about three boxes of cheeze-itz as well).  Nicole has taught my boys so much and continues to be the most shining example of faith and what it means to give and to BE Christ’s love.  Max also enjoyed walking (while Dad ran and got first place in his age division—go, Marty!) with his Mom, brother, Jaden, Emery and Nikkol (thanks, Johnson friends—we love you too! ) in the Katie’s Crusaders race in the “fweazing told!” for six families battling cancer right here in Iowa—our friends, the McComas’s, being one of them.  All of the money raised went directly to these six families.  There are so many people hurting and struggling and so much we can do to help!  Max has such a BIG heart, and although that can be hard for him sometimes, we are so very proud of him!  Gotta love this kid!  He is one of a kind!

Katie's Crusaders and our crusader, Nicole!
And then there’s our stand-up comedian, Griffyn, who turned 4 this year (my baby—4!).  There is not a day that goes by that this kid does not make us laugh!   He loves his baby sis’s kissable cheeks (our friend Niki’s  baby, Grace), horses, “toy duns not weal duns”, Tinkerbelle, destroying and rebuilding things, Star Wars, arts and crafts, play dough, Legos (along with big brother—we cannot get enough of Lego’s at this house), his preschool and Mrs. Sievers, “Tolleen” (we love ya, Colleen ), all his “fends”, ninja’s, and pretty much everything—for 15 seconds.  He has the best intentions—just not the greatest choices for executing them.  He HATES sleeping.  He cannot sit still—and he will tell you that!  He loves to sing—and his favorite songs are “Call Me Maybe” and “da Desus song” (Jesus Loves Me) and he will always ask for “dust one mowa” song at bedtime.  He also loves to read more than anything (his favorite book is “Where the Wild Things Are”—very fitting).  He is the most fun loving kid who loves to wrestle and cuddle in the same heartbeat, and I take a hand full of vitamins in the morning and night just to keep up with him.  He always tells me he loves me “one thousand four hundred and sixty nine”.  Not quite sure what that means, but it sounds like a lot! His smile lights up any room and his hugs can melt away the worst of days.  We are proud of his giant heart as well!  He is also one of a kind!  We could not have two children on more opposite ends of the spectrum—thus we have perfect balance in our home!

Marty is in his 15th year at Carlisle elementary and is enjoying teaching his second graders all about the big, big world.   He is especially excited about implementing the new reading curriculum this year!  He continues to coach cross country as well as track (and cheer on those Hawkeyes—been a rough year for that).  I am going into my 12th year (this January) at the Child Development Center and blessed to have my exuberant preschoolers keep me on my toes (those vitamins are for them too).  We both feel quite fortunate to have such fulfilling careers that give us such a great sense of purpose and keep us young at heart.  We were able to enjoy a family vacation to Galena and Madison, WI, this summer and a very short day trip to KC’s Lego Land and to see Marty’s brother, Matt, and wife, Tanya, and the kids this fall.  We were also able to spend some precious time with my sis, Erin, and Harold as they came in from Brooklyn! We were also quite blessed to have Aunt Jen around lots! Wish we could have kept her! We enjoyed a reunion with some of the Gerdes clan in Des Moines this summer as well.  Great seeing all of the cousin’s kids play together.  Our summers are jam packed with sports and we try to get family “breaks” in whenever we can!

We have four BIG miracles this year that we remember to praise God for each and every night!  Baby John’s first birthday!  How far you’ve come, big guy—in a world that said ‘no’, our God screamed’ YES’! Our Nicole McComas!  A long, bumpy road, my sweet friend!  What a journey you’ve made with such grace!  Our baby McKenna!  Such a precious miracle baby!  We praise the Lord with the Black family! And my sisters!  Three of my best friends live out on the East Coast—they just happen to be my sisters; Erin in Brooklyn, Jen in New Hampshire, and Molly in New York.  Hurricane Sandy left a path of devastating destruction.  And while she took away power, transportation, and homes—she did not take away their lives.  All three of my loves are safe and sound.  Miracles DO happen.  And not just in the Bible!  They happen every day.  These incredible people, big and small, remind me that God is present here and now—and the power of faith and prayer is just as strong today as it was back in that tiny little stable in Bethlehem.  We wish you all a very blessed Christmas, filled with the true and miraculous magic of this season!  Much love to you all! 
Humbly yours,
Angie, Marty, Max, and Griffyn Mitchell  

Visiting Santa in Oskaloosa in the middle of one of Max's basketball tournaments...

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