"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Needing Some Motivation Please...

Just can't seem to get myself motivated to do anything today.  I really should take Griffyn for a stroll on our beloved bike path or on another park adventure.  The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day.  Sooner than we think, winter will be upon us and I'll be wishing for days like this... 
Third load of laundry completed (Griff LOVES to help with laundry~especially pushing the buttons to start the washer and dryer) and I'm still sitting here in my sweats with my third cup of tea for the day.  Lunch is finally cleaned up and most of the toys put away~aside from G's 'Bob the Builder' vehicles and blocks which are in use as I type...
It just takes SO much for me to get out of the house these days.  Maybe it's because we're always rushing from point A to point B and back to point A again~~so if I don't HAVE to move, I just don't want to.  Aside from work and Max's football practice/games, and the occasional continuing ed. class, I just want to be home.  It's terrible.  I've gotten so lazy...
I really should MAKE myself, as I do so many other things, and I get so completely frustrated with myself for tiring so very easily!  I annoy myself, really.  I've become the biggest bump on a log...
In my younger days when I felt like this, I would sleep~a lot.  Not an option now.  Now I do chores around the house and "chat" on facebook.  I'd be so much more productive without the Internet.  Damn you, Al Gore, for inventing such a thing (wink)...
Maybe if I have just ONE more cup of tea, I can get this defiant body out for a walk with my baby and make the most of this glorious sunshine.  Okay, maybe two.  I'm enjoying listening to G's singing and the conversation he is making between his two trucks who are building quite a fabulous city.  Even my two year old has more motivation than I today...   

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