"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My latest adventure~Compression Stockings!

I went in for my compression fitting at "Fittings Unlimited" this past Saturday as directed by my surgeon.  What a morning!  Who knew the process would take an entire hour and send my blood pressure soaring to new heights?  The 'boutique' owner was very chatty and how shall I say~in your face?  She was VERY informative and thorough, which in most cases in a good thing, but I just wanted to get in and out of there.   I didn't need to know how many dogs, cats, etc. she had, her favorite color, or look at photos of people who had just had surgery and were swollen from one end to the other.  Really, didn't need all that...
I filled out lots of paperwork and she took a copy of my insurance card (which, in the end, really seemed like a giant waste of time as well as all of the paperwork I had to fill out).  She collected all of my info./paper work and put it into a file folder (which she coordinated with the shirt I was wearing, she informed me), took my prescription from Dr. Fry, and took me back into one of the little fitting rooms to be measured. 
I'm not much for complete strangers touching me--let alone seeing me half naked, so the whole ordeal was a bit stressful for me.  I learned all kinds of new and interesting things, however.  Did you know that apparently EVERYONE's legs are different sizes?  One of my legs is bigger than the other--ankle on up.  Didn't realize this was the norm.  Took my weight and height and then went to get my custom fit garment.  "NO RETURNS ON ITEMS" signs were emblazoned on all the walls.  Hmmmmmmmm.  Couldn't miss them.  They were everywhere.  No warm fuzzies there...
She then began to show me how to put my sassy new compression thigh highs on.  It was quite the ordeal, let me tell ya.  I was actually sweating by the end of it.  Gonna have to wake up an extra 15 minutes every morning just to get these suckers on--I'm being completely serious.  She told me NOT to wear them to bed.  They can become a tourniquet on your legs.  They have tights you can wear to bed, of course. 
That was all of 45 minutes--I spared you some of the most boring details involving dish washing gloves, laundry detergent lists, lotion precautions, washing and drying instructions, etc. etc. etc...
Going to the counter, I was thinking this would all be over soon and cost me around 50 to 60$.  My mom's insurance completely covered hers, but I wasn't banking on that.  I had a prescription from my specialist, so like any other prescription, insurance would cover SOME of it, right?  Nope.  Not only that, the darn things cost $130.00 A PAIR.  Are you kidding me?  I started to get angry.  My insurance was mandating that I wear these suckers for 3 months.  If I don't, they won't cover any part of the surgery I need.  They're making me buy them, but not paying for a single cent.  Let me reiterate once more how much I hate insurance companies.  I thought Obama was supposed to do something about that...
Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday, and any other holiday to me, I guess.  The good news is they are awesome and I feel like I have completely new legs when I have them on.  Monday was the first time I have been leg pain free for months and months.  I'm just hoping one pair will last three months.  I sure as heck can't afford 2 pairs (although my personal consultant told me that my doctor wrote the script for two pairs so my insurance would approve 2~~why did I have to see a specialist to get a prescription for medical grade compression stockings and have a flipping script to begin with again?  This insurance game is one I clearly do not understand).
So, stocking--heaven.  Price tag--not so much.  But, I'm thankful to have them and that Marty was willing to pay for them.  When Max saw the price tag on the box he said, "But Mom, they're just SOCKS!".  Bright child.  It's not like they're a new Wii game or anything, for goodness sakes (smile).
I may attempt to file a claim with our wonderful insurance company (ironically it's Principle, which isn't doing insurance for much longer) regardless.  It can't hurt.  It's just my time, energy, and patience.  I would again like to thank my husband for his support, financially and emotionally (again, smile) through this whole ordeal.  It's been very frustrating for me. 
At least I know what to ask Santa for Christmas this year--just one more pair of JOBST thigh high compression stockings, 20-30mmHG with the silicone dot band (heaven in a box~~a very, very expensive box)...

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