"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November is here!

(my little Mario brothers)

November is here!  I've been waiting with much anticipation for this month to arrive for a very long time (what feels like FOREVER)!  My sister, Erin, and her boyfriend, Harold, are flying home from Brooklyn for Thanksgiving!  We haven't ALL been together for so long, and I can NOT wait!!!  I don't care about turkey, stuffing, or mashed potatoes~~I just want to soak up some sibling time and let the boys soak in as much Auntie and Uncle time as possible as well.  I just may lock everyone in and not let anyone leave once we're all finally together in one room ;)!

Halloween was a smashing success!  Such beautiful weather.  Aside from Griffyn wanting his Mommy (and only Mommy) to carry him most of the way, it was delightful.  All of our neighbors were out and it was a lovely chance to say "hello" to everyone (and rake in lots of candy--which I must admit I am noshing on with my green tea ;)).  The boys were the cutest Mario and Luigi, of course, and we only saw one other Mario all night~and originality is always key with me :).

Our yard is finally done!!!  Hallelujah!!!  The window wells have solid and very tight retaining walls built around them, the yard is regraded and built up all around the house, the hose thingy (please don't be intimidated by my technical jargon ;)) is buried in the yard in pipe form and coming out at the bottom so none of the water settles in our yard, and the slope of the side yard curved to insure the rain fall does indeed roll down and not make a swimming pool out of our back yard!  Between our brand spanking newly regraded and sodded yard, retaining walls, sump pump and back up, we should be set for what ever mother nature has in store for us next year.  Merry Christmas (and every other upcoming holiday for the next year of so :)) to Marty and I!  It sure feels good to have it all taken care of~despite the bill :).  Some people vacation to Disney World for the holidays with their children.  We get a flood proof backyard and windows :).

I ordered our tickets for the "Santa Express" train ride in Boone for the beginning of December.  Yay!  Such magical fun.  The boys actually still believe we are riding the hour and 15 minutes to the North Pole.  The grand illusion is made even more complete by all the lights and North Pole like decorations we see out of our windows!  Going over the amazingly high bridge still makes our tummy's feel funny, but the hot coco and cookies help calm it down a bit.  Santa gets on the train and greats all the children (and children at heart) once we finally reach the North Pole-and gives each child a silver bell from his sleigh (just like in the classic children's book "The Polar Express").  Such a fantastic night for all of us and well worth the ticket price!  What price can you put on being a kid all over again anyway? :)

Hope you and your families are all doing well!  I know the cold season is upon us (and Griffyn is on his nebulizer treatments again and battling the crud after catching it from his Momma).  Time for lots of vitamin C and hot tea!  Making sure the kids get their vitamins every morning, are drinking lots of juice, and looking into getting some gummy C's for them as an added measure of precaution.  Take care, God bless, and happy November :)!!!

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