"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Friday, May 11, 2012

Another Busy Day

No time to run, well, on the bike path anyway...  Spent most of our day running here and there and everywhere...  It was definitely a gorgeous day to do so...

Now waiting for the laundry to get done so I can take the dry clothes out and put the wet ones in and then hopefully get to sleep.  The boys are FINALLY sleeping--all three of them.  After our busy day, Max started running a fever over 103 this evening.  He was helping me plant flowers and looked so white and was shaking.  He didn't want to tell me he didn't feel good because we had s'mores and bonfire plans with friends.  Took him inside, and sure enough--he's got this crud too.  Marty was already a shivery mess on the couch and not feeling well himself.  Got the ibuprofen started and he ate some jello and drank some juice.  Our amazing friend, Jen, brought over some s'mores so the boys didn't feel like they were missing out.  Thank you, Jen.  You made their night!  We love you! :)

Max had a dental appointment at 11 a.m. (what was I thinking scheduling a dental appointment on all school pic nic and music program day?  No place to park to pick up my child!).  The most stressful part is taking G along on all of our errands.  Griff is on his own time and in his own fabulous world of discovery in which all sticks, flowers, bugs, or creatures of any kind MUST be explored, touched, picked, caught, and slightly tortured.  Ahhhhhh!  After a day of this, I want to pull out my hair--what's left of it.  Let's just say, there's a plethora of treasures to be discovered at his level...

Dr. Jenny had good news for us (we love you, Dental Professionals!).  Max has a tooth growing out of his gum line while the baby tooth below seems to want to stay put.  With some twisting and gentle tugging, she thinks it will be out by the end of June then the tooth that is growing in will come down.  She used much more technical terms, of course, this was just my take away. :)  If it doesn't come out, she can pull it out at that time and it's an easy process that takes about ten minutes.  However, nothing is ever easy for the Mitchell's ;)--those of you who know us feel free to smile and nod knowingly :)...

G and I dropped Max back off at school, ran back home to pack up our pic nic lunch with special sandwich orders of plain peanut butter for Marty, peanut butter and jelly for Max, and turkey and cheese (as always) for Griff--a few cookies, crackers, juice boxes, lots of napkins and wet wipes and we're good to go.  Grabbed our pic nic blanket and a monster diet coke for me (yes, back on the pop wagon--but only occasionally), and back to school.  Found some shade and found our Max and Daddy was able to join us a bit later.  Such a beautiful day for a good ole fashion pic nic!  Max had fun playing football after lunch with his friends.  Then, it was off to the high school auditorium to hear Max's music concert!

Max's class did a musical, as he called it, about eating healthy and getting exercise.  There were songs about keeping F I T--fit! and eating rainbows.  Max played a boy named Joe and got to talk a lot and did a great job.  I would have completely froze if I had to do that at his age.  So proud of you, Max!!!  You were amazing!  Also got to meet his girlfriend for the first time.  He came clean to Mom and Dad about her last night.  We had heard rumors, but he had denied them.  For some reason, he thought we'd be mad.  It was a great opportunity to remind Max that he should always tell the truth and that he can talk to us about absolutely everything--even girls ;).  The third grade class did such a fantastic job, and it's hard to believe this is Max's last year in this building!  Time has truly gone by too fast.  I was teary by the end of the program.  Great job, third graders!!!  You guys ROCKED it!!! :)

The boys have been dying to meet their buddy's Chance and G's new puppy, so Jen graciously let us come on over and play with the newest member of their family~Mr. Bentley.  He is the most darling little guy and the boys loved him.  He was very gentle and had a face that just melted my heart.  No, no, no...  We are NOT getting a puppy.  But darn it, if we didn't have all these allergies, it sure would be fun.  We'll just play with Bentley :). 

Marty passed out as soon as he got home.  Decided to get the planters filled with the boys while daddy was resting.  Max and I got that all done while Griff managed to get almost every single toy we have out of the garage and play with it for one minute :).  That's just how he roles.  Max was really trying to hide that he wasn't feeling well so we could go to the bonfire, but he wasn't able to do so any longer.  Inside the house he was a mess of pain.  Griff made the most of this, little stink pot.  Max was very mad at Griffyn and blamed him for giving him all of his germs.  Not much fun for anyone, really, but got G in the tub and Max somewhat comfortable--mostly by removing Griff from his proximity ;).  Jen called later and Max felt better when he heard the bonfire was off due to wind and cold anyway, and then even better when a knock on the door was a plate full of s'mores :). 

Not sure where I'm sleeping tonight as the boys are all over the place in our bedroom.  After G got out of the bathtub he was immediately asleep--maybe all that running around today really did wear him out.  Max has a buddy's birthday party tomorrow and is all worried about missing that--so we'll see how that goes.  Maybe a good night's sleep will be a magic cure?  Crossing fingers, but want to make sure I don't expose anyone else to this junk so I'm sure there will be lots of tears as Max will have to stay home :(.  Sorry, big guy!

Also thinking of my baby sister, Molly, as she graduates tonight from the University of those Golden Gophers in my home state of Minnesota.  Mom, Homer, and Jen left this morning.  Wish I could be there, Molly, but know we are so very PROUD of you and thinking of you on this night that is ALL YOURS!!!  CONGRATS, and we love ya!!!  Now, go on and take on the world!!! 

Wishing you all sweet dreams and bright tomorrows.  Hoping to get a chance to find some solitude on the bike path tomorrow.  So few and far between these days.  Always something going on, isn't there?  But such a blessing to be able to be a part of it all!!!

Peace and love and happy weekend!!!

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