"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

These are the days...

"Making the decision to have a child--it's momentous.  It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."  Elizabeth Sone (20th Century) American journalist and author
Griffyn's preschool and craft corner--where my OCD has to take a break--because this area is always a mess ;)--but 'mess' inspires creativity and creativity inspires freedom and self expression and we could all use a little more of that! :)
Yesterday was President's Day, and while my place of work was up and running and my husband had a teacher's in service day, the boys did not have school.  Thankfully, I had enough PTO to cover a day off (darn stuff does just not accrue fast enough, does it?), so I enjoyed a blissful mommy day with my boys.  I can not tell you how good it felt.  No practices, no games, no schedule of any kind--just free US time!  It was pure heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I had been looking forward to this day for weeks and weeks.  We all needed it so very badly!  Just to be able to look at their faces and talk to them for more than five seconds, hug them, hold them, listen to them, really hear them--without rushing from here to there and herding them like cattle from one thing to the next--hurry, hurry, hurry!  We could fully ENJOY our time with no regard or worry for what was to come next.  Pure bliss!!!
We all slept in.  No rush or jamming of breakfast down our throats to get into the car on time or "mommy I'm too tired" or "I weally don't fink I dot enuff seep" or fights with Griffyn because it was a bus day and not a mommy pick up day.  We lounged around in our pj's, did yoga together and talked about what we wanted to do with our open day--besides snuggle and relax on the couch, of course :).  We had a neighbor call and ask if Max wanted to play.  He shook his head no.  I don't know about you, but I so seldom get alone time with my kids, and when we do, we really and truly enjoy spending it together--we covet that time and cherish that time.  We kind of really love each other and are best friends too--oh trust me--they so get that we are their parents :)--but fostering and developing that unique relationship is so important and my kids still want to and I know that will not always be the case--so as long as it is--this mommy is all over it. 
The boys decided they wanted to go out for lunch--Fazolies--it had been awhile since we had graced that establishment.  Max loved that place when he was Griffyn's age and we ate there all the time.  Carbs sounded good to this mommy :).  G discovered something fabulous--bow tie pasta--and yes, I let him play with his food :).  They both must have been in a crafty mood as well because they both wanted to trek the isles of Hobby Lobby afterwards and have a "craft day" too.  Sounded perfect to me, so after we got our zen on, we got our noodle on, then headed to pick out some crafts at Hobby Lobby.  They each got to pick out two reasonably priced choices--which to anyone who has ever been to HL--can be daunting for a ten and four year old--there are "dust so many toices!!!".  We were there for almost two hours--and minds were changed many times--and my patience was tried about as often ;).
so many fun activities to do!  G did a little here, and a little there, and a little everywhere
My Max decided he wanted to do a peaceful beach creation--the large Mason jar we thought would work didn't (the shells we bought with the colored sand just sank instead of the layering effect we had pictured--but we found a plastic box in the garage that worked perfectly for his serene Hawkeye beach escape--alas, they did not have black sand we could layer with the yellow and Max did not think that hot pink was an option ;))
It started to snow--big chunky flakes "dat dot in my eyes, momma, so we betta det home", so we headed on back.  I could not believe how late it was at this point.  We had the Carlisle game to get to in Norwalk that night as well (and so many crafts to do :)), so hurry we must!  It was so cold!  We got home and the boys immediately set to work creating their masterpieces.  G didn't know what to do first, so he did a bit of this and that every two seconds.  The idea we had for Max's didn't quite work out, so we ended up with an extra Mason jar (which we can always use), but were able to find some thing in the garage that ended up working just fine.  Daddy came home, and it was off to Norwalk to cheer on our favorite team--the Carlisle Wildcats!!!  So proud of our boys!!!!
Max was so excited to get started, he couldn't wait to take his coat or hat off (that and he was so cold :)).  We made such a big mess, but had so much fun!  I LOVE these days! (ps:  four year olds and sand art are NOT a good combination, however, and I am STILL cleaning sand off of my hard wood floors ;) -- all worth it, however :))
Looking at my boys on the bleachers at the game that night, I almost cried (and it wasn't just because of Norwalk's pathetic sportsmanship).  It had been such an awesome day, and just like every year of their blessed lives, it had gone by way too fast.  I just love them so much, and I just wish we could have more days like this.  But, I was so thankful for this one.  So very, very, very thankful.  A moment to pause, to just "be" with them, to really, really ENJOY them.  It was just pure awesome.  THIS is what I love about being a mommy--being able to actually have time to be one...
Now G is home with me this morning with his asthma.  He's had the cold and runny nose deal for some time now.  We're on breathing treatments again.  Nebbies are back!  We've managed to avoid them for a bit, and this darn fluctuation in weather is not helping!  50 degrees to below zero.  Not great for asthma lungs! (or for any one's, I'd venture to guess--but hard on those of us with breathing issues especially!)
So one kind of treatment deserves another! :)
Griff and I made chocolate, peanut butter and marshmallow cheerio bars this morning.  Just seemed like the day required them.  He's snuggling with his blankets and the not quite as cuddly one eyed monster he made yesterday.  What ever makes him happy and less miserable works for me! :)

This thankful heart must start some laundry.  The darn laundry fairy hasn't visited our home in years.  I think she forgot our address again :)  Thankful to have all these beautiful boys to dirty clothes for me to wash and put away :).  God's blessing and love to you all and there is just so much joy in the simplest of things when we can truly take the time to breathe in and savor those moments of blessing.  May God help us all to somehow find a way to slow down, even in our crazy and busiest of times, to catch a moment of this joy -- and hold onto it in our hearts -- with thankfulness and praise --as we continue to run this race that is life.

Much love and blessing to you all!

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