"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Go for the great!

It's that crazy time of year again, and while every other parent seems to be shouting "Yay, school is starting!", I am lamenting the loss of summer.  Albeit, our summer was a rather cruddy one.  A tediously sick mommy, no time for our annual family vacation to Madison (how can this be?!?), not even a tiny get away for this family, and it was just as chalk full and busy as our school year it seemed -- but then again, it was a blur of work and doctor's appointments for this mommy -- so it didn't really "feel" like a "real" summer.  And here we are, just a few days away from the start of another school year...

And my "baby" starts kindergarten!  I'd ask "how can this be?" and "how does this happen?", but I know the answer, and as much as I try to savor time, it slips through these ever aging fingers :).  He's ready--getting sassy at all of five--but ready.  He is so excited because he can not WAIT to learn HOW TO READ!!!  Life begins and a whole new world opens up when you KNOW what Mom and Dad are spelling ;) and can open a book and those letters become something that make sense!  He is beginning to put three letter words together and writing so well.  I am so proud of him, but the attitude could use a little tweaking ;).  We're working on it. 

And Max will be 11 in a few short weeks (can't wait for THOSE 3 shots at THAT doctor's appointment coming up either).  Wow.  Talk about time flying.  He is his mother and all the little things that get under my skin--well, they are all so ME.  I find myself losing patience with him for the things I do myself and the irony is not lost on this momma (double checking with me four or five times to see if he's done something right, germ issues, etc. ;)).  He has the biggest heart and tries so hard and loves and has so much compassion.  With that comes lots of needs--just like his mommy--and I am so glad we can still talk like best friends.  He knows I will never be critical of anything he has to say to me.  That's what his little brother is for ;).  Max is looking forward to having a male teacher for the first time EVER!  Very exciting stuff!  5th grade is going to be awesome! :)

I am so excited and BLESSED to have begun a new career with the Carlisle school systems as a preschool teacher associate with Mrs. Wille and Sarah.  It is like breathing new air in new lungs and it feels so good to have passion back!  I am thrilled to be in such a professional atmosphere and to be treated with so much respect, to be so inspired and encouraged.  I am, admittedly, slightly overwhelmed at this point--with all the newness of things--but I am in very good hands.  This is where I am supposed to be.  Thank you, God, and thank you Carlisle Elementary :).

Speaking of breathing and lungs ;), the boring saga of my health has gotten decidedly more boring--and for that I am so grateful!!!  Some of you know that I have been seeing a Pulmonologist.  He is wonderful and I so LOVE him and I highly recommend Dr. Brimeyer to anyone.  Fabulous man!  He was able to get my insurance to approve the inhaled steroid that goes just to my lungs that I have to take twice a day (instead of the prednisone in pill form that was going all throughout my body and causing so many side effects these past eight months) -- yay!!! -- and that has been helping immensely.  After just one week I could tell a tremendous difference!  It's a funky little contraption, as it's not like an inhaler that you use for an asthma attack and it won't stop an attack, but is one that distributes medication--so the apparatus is a bit different.  I was so thankful he was able to override insurance and get that all approved and taken care of.  Over a few visits with him, he detected a few heart issues and I had to have an EKG done (I can admit now that Marty and I were scared) and an echocardiogram the following week (weirdest test ever--an ultrasound on your heart--um, girls, we'll talk later ;)).  Anyway, the top right chamber of my heart is just a smidge larger and a little more active--electrically speaking.  I have syncope and arrhythmia, which I've had since my 20's, so I wasn't super worried, but he said it could be adding to my breathing issues.  Since it is in my right, and not left, chamber, it's not cause for as much alarm.  The echocardiogram didn't show anything too crazy, and although my heart was still displaying syncope throughout the ultrasound, because I have a history of it -- apparently some people's hearts just "do" this -- and no signs of any other issues -- we'll just keep an eye on it and keep on keeping on :).  My "normal" is just abnormal.  Go figure ;).
So, doing good!  Lots of very happy things to report!!!  God is so good and is taking such incredible care of this family!  I truly appreciate all of your prayers, support, and love!  We couldn't do it without any of you.  My sisters, my friends who are my sisters, the occasional text from my brother (Tim, how are you :) ?), Mom, thanks to all of you.  God is so amazing.  And, of course, my husband--who is stressed beyond his limit with coaching and school and the 10,000 hats he's wearing and plates he's juggling right now -- and this crazy wife of his who keeps asking him all of these questions about HER new job ;).  LOVE you all and feel so insanely appreciative and blessed by all of your support and love.  THANK YOU. 

Need sleep, and so do the boys.  Having a hard time getting back on "schedule"--we've got this "fly by the seat of our pants" thing going on right now--yikes!  I WILL get up and work out tomorrow--it's been a few weeks.  We WILL eat healthier tomorrow (what's wrong with pop tarts and cookies for breakfast? there's oatmeal, peanut butter, and flax seed in them! ;)), and it will all be okay as we breathe, pray, and thank God for his grace and one more day. 

Much, much love to you all.  So much!  We are thankful for all of you.  It's been a crazy summer and it'll be one adventure of a year!  But we are SO looking forward to it and so thankful (the word of the moment is 'thankful' for this Mitchell family :) ) for the way God has plucked us up from such deep health issues, career questions, heart and soul contemplations and told this family--"I've got THIS, I've got YOU!"  We're just going with his flow :).  He, clearly, knows better than we. 

Peace, and rest, my friends!  Time for this momma to get her little boys to sleep.  They just want to snuggle.  And that's all right with me...  Because at the rate time is going, they will be in college in just a few months... ;) 

Snuggle on! :) (never mind the karate chops to the back in the middle of the night--we will miss those one day ;)) <3

"As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless.  He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. "  2 Samuel 22:31

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