"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Friday, April 29, 2011

And Kate marries her Prince...

Ahhh, the Royal Wedding...

Alas, I did NOT wake up at 4 a.m. to participate in the viewing, but I can't seem to escape it today regardless.  The pomp, the circumstance, the gorgeous Kate, all the funny hats...  An affair of grand proportions~~royal, prestigious, over the top...  It made me wish I was English (smile). 

And in the midst all the glitz and glamour, the red carpet, the gowns, the revelry, the tradition, the celebrities, the paparazzi~~there are two very young people about to begin the journey of their lives...

And I couldn't help but pray for them today.  Marriage is so hard.  Anyone who says differently is lying (or on their honeymoon~smile).  It is actually amazing to me that anyone goes through with it anymore considering the current divorce rate.  It's more difficult than parenthood (and that's saying alot~wink).  It's a test of spirit, body, and mind--of strength and of will.  It's also a test of faith.  Faith in God, and faith in each other.  A trust unlike any other human relationship we have on this earth.  I will give you all of me, my time, my energy, my love, my soul~and I trust you to respect it, nurture it, and put it above all others. 
It's so easy for so many things to come between, not as uncomplicated and easy as the love between a parent and child which seems so effortless, selfless, and unconditional.  From a spouse I have expectations.  Expectations of promises that were made from the beginning of the dating process to the day we say "I do".  And how little we really know of each other when we say those words (even those of us who were together five years before we said them--smile) or of whom we have yet to become...
Wishing the newly married couple all the best as their elaborate walk down the isle will more than likely be the easiest of the paths they have yet to traverse together.  God bless.

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