"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Yet another sick day...

worn out and very sick little boy...

Griff came into our room between the wee hours of 3 and 4 a.m. as he always does.  He always wakes up and wants to snuggle with Mommy and Daddy.  This time, he had more on his mind then snuggling.  Puke again at our house.  Seems like we just got rid of this stuff.  The boys and I have been fighting a nasty cold virus since Christmas, but we've all just kept trudging through.  Can't trudge through the flu.  It knocks you off your feet--and your head into the toilet.
He has not been able to keep anything down--not even water.  I'm attempting to get laundry done and put away while he drifts in and out of sleep.  Cold wash cloths on his head, and as long as no green bile or blood is coming up with his forceful vomiting, the doc doesn't want to see us.  I don't blame her.  I really don't want to clean vomit out of my car either.
So much for flu shots.  We get them every year.  With the boy's asthma, it's not much of a choice--being as the flu the shot guards against is respiratory related.  I have asthma as well, and the shot is mandated where I work.  I know there are thousands of strains.  I guess we keep getting the one (along with everyone else) the shot didn't prepare our bodies for.
He's a tough kid.  It's been a long past couple of months.  Generally we can soldier through with cold meds and me my green tea, but the pukey stuff has hit our house hard now twice.  Hoping it skips the rest of us this go round. 
Lysol and bleach, and the sensi burner going to make the house smell like sugar cookies instead of a sick ward.  G on the bed with his favorite blanket--the rest of the bedding in the dryer--puke bowl by his side.  He wants to eat and drink something so bad.  I just let him have a little bit of plain yogurt.  We'll see how this goes (or come up). 
Marty's taking the shift tomorrow.  He'll be in good hands with daddy.  He's very into the movie "ET" right now, just no popcorn :(.  He and daddy can snuggle and watch it together.
Hope to catch a few winks myself here as the washer and dryer are humming away.  All I do is lie there and listen to his little body as it seems to be working so hard to breathe--his poor nose is still all stuffed up too.  And may I suggest steering clear from anything purple--pop sickles, pedialite, etc.  It seems to stain pretty badly.  Orange fared a bit better. 
Time to snuggle by my little guy and try to comfort him as much as I can.  Hang in there, mommas!  I keep thinking, this too shall pass~~literally ;)...

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