"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The grey in the day...

It has been a busy, busy weekend for the Mitchell family. 

Friday night, we went and watched Daddy play some ball as part of a fund raiser where the students play the faculty.  We had fun cheering the ladies and girls on in volleyball and the men and boys in basketball.  Saturday was cleaning day--the house that is--top to bottom--dusting, vacuuming, laundry, bathrooms--the gamut of things that had been left undone by a momma that had been sick for far too long.  It had been driving me absolutely crazy!!!  My husband got our taxes done.  His first time using turbo tax, as our accountant raises his fee each and every year for the ten minutes it takes him to do our taxes annually.  My brave husband decided to give it a go himself.  How hard could it be?  After three hours at the computer, door shut--a few exasperating sighs coming through (really, they want to know the WEIGHT of our vehicles?)--he came out triumphant!!!  Thank you, honey.  I am now convinced that there is nothing you can not do (besides eat a fruit or a vegetable ;)).  We now have a new accountant :)!  Again, many thanks Marty!
Max had baseball (practice outside--YAY!), and afterwards we rode along and did some of Daddy's cross mark stores with him.  We had a Mexican banquet at Viva La Bamba (sooooooo good and in which we all ate entirely too much), then went to watch "The Lorax" and continue to fill our bellies up with pop corn and pop--followed by ice cream at home.  I love these times with my boys.  A late night, made even later by the hour we lost by "springing ahead".  
Max has baseball again today.  And I am busy doing laundry and cooking and fretting just a bit.  The boys and I made several loaves of "everything but the kitchen sink banana bread" or "clean out the fridge banana bread" this morning.  The boys picks were cream cheese, chocolate peanut butter sauce from pampered chef (which is really more like fudge), chocolate chips, and sprinkles.  It is really, really good.  I think we remembered to put bananas in it ;)...
Cut up lots and lots of potatoes and cheesy potato soup is bubbling in the crock pot for supper tonight.  Cheddar, Velveeta, Jack, sour cream, cream in general, oh and lots of potatoes.  G had fun adding the parsley flakes and sweet basil.  He had fun "melling" the onion as wells.  He enjoys cooking with things that have strong smells.  His nose may be broken...
Comfort food.  I always turn to it.  May not be the best way to combat stress and anxiety, but it sure makes the house smell good :).  The five pounds I lost after being sick will all be back on tomorrow after this weekend, I guarantee ;). 

The cause for this comfort food extravaganza and fretting brain is that Max has his tonsils and adenoids (although we learned that there is just one adenoid and it is in fact, a third tonsil) taken out Tuesday.  Monday, as in tomorrow, begins at 4:30 a.m.  Work my ten hour day, pick up G, register G for preschool (gulp--a whole round of emotions going on with that as well--he'll have so much fun--I just am not ready for him to be OLD ENOUGH to go just yet), Max's conference with Mrs. Kennedy, then home to collapse.  Bright and early Tuesday we will begin as we have to be at Lakeview for Max's surgery before 7:30 a.m.  Happy it's early.   Who has time to think about anything when you're running on fumes? 
I've, ironically, had a few of my preschool kids just have the procedure done.  One of my little guys said to me, voice lowered in hushed seriousness, "Miss Angie, I almost died" then paused for dramatic effect before pepping up and smiling, "AND I got lots and lots of ice cream!!!".  So, it seems to really, really stink at first, then get better after three to four days.  All of the kiddos that I know that have had it done have been little, so I'm not too sure how my almost ten year old will do.  We know the surgeon very well as he put sets of tubes in both boys' ears and we know Max is in his and God's very capable hands.  Still, I'm a momma, I worry.  I know I shouldn't and it does no good--but I do...  That's just how it goes...
This boy is pretty special and pretty amazing.  He also is a worrier like me, so I keep it inside and just bake and make soup ;).  We were reading together this morning (can't tell you how much I love this quiet time with my big guy) and he kept stopping and restarting his timer (he reads so many minutes a day for school) because he couldn't remember what he had just read.  I could not convince him that he didn't need to start his time over and over and over again --he had indeed been reading--and that he just needed to concentrate a little harder.  He told me he couldn't "focus" because he couldn't stop thinking about Tuesday.  "I just can't stop thinking about it, so I can't remember anything."  Worry and anxiety--proof positive it kills our brain cells...
He's not that worried about the actual surgery part.  His biggest concern is waking up.  He's very scared of that part.  I completely understand.  I kept telling him that we would all be there for him when he does wake up, he can have Mom and Dad's bedroom when he gets home all week so he can have a big bed and TV and some peace and quiet from G (who keeps taunting him that he's doing to "det your foat wipped out").  He'll have some medicine from the doctor for pain, and we'll do everything we can to make him comfortable, but yes--it IS going to hurt.  It might hurt a lot.  But, you will get through it.  I promise...
I've been advised that the night hours are the worst and to up the codeine dose just a smidgen for those occasions those first three evenings--just so he can get some rest.  I do not plan on getting any sleep.  My body is used to this.  The worst part will be to see my oldest baby boy in so much pain.  It will be so hard to see him hurt, but I keep reminding myself--and him--that the benefits of having this done will far out weigh the few weeks of pain.  He can do it, I can do it--and we will discover new and exciting flavors of ice cream together :).  I may even agree to watch "Tron" with him again ;).  "Tin Tin" comes out on Tuesday, Grandma's, if anyone is interested in picking that up for him.  Anything to make the hours pass by a little less tediously would be lovely...
So back to the menial tasks of folding and putting away laundry, getting ready for our marathon of a day tomorrow, and possibly chasing the grey away in this day (where are you, sunshine?) with some happy times with these precious boys of mine.  Any time we're together is enough sunshine for me.   Especially if it involves yummy food and cuddles :).  I am so proud of this little crew--and that my boys know that no matter what life throws at us--we have the good Lord above and the haven of this family.  Even with one less set of tonsils (and adenoid) in this house ;). 

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