"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The journey continues...

What a week, what a night, what a day... 

No sleep for Max or I again last night.  Up every one to two hours begging for his meds that he can only have every four hours.  Not wanting to cry because it hurts to cry.  Grabbing for me, and me feeling so helpless to do anything--all I can do is hold him and sing and hold him some more.  Forcing him to drink is horrendous--he ate jello today, and that's it.  Just a few bites of solid food once a day before he decides it's not worth the pain.  This has been a very long ordeal for him.  He was cheered up by a bath and the relaxing sounds of the ocean via our sleep machine and a surprise drop off of all kinds of goodies by Rhonda, Halle, and Mac (thanks so much, Ray family, this made Max's day and we all appreciate it so much! :)).
basket of goodies from the Ray family
Our lives have been broken down into four hour increments between codeine and Tylenol administration since this past Tuesday.  I keep a chart to remind myself what times I've given him what.  It all runs together after awhile.  I allowed myself a few pieces of pizza and a glass of wine after a very windy run today (nothing like grit in your teeth as you inhale dirt--gotta love country runnin' :)) and made some no bake chocolate/peanut butter cookies this afternoon.  It's so hard not being able to make treats for Max to make him feel better since he can't eat anything.  I thought the no bake cookies may be soft enough.  He had a few bites. I can't imagine how it must be for mother's that have terminally sick children.  I remind myself this too shall pass and in the great scheme of things, this is just a blip in the radar.  I pray for those families that have to deal with illness and visits to the surgeon/doctor on a routine basis with their children.  My heart goes out to them...
I've enjoyed Max and I's extensive reading times together and our snuggle times (although snuggles at night are sad--he's so miserable).  And I swear the kid is sweating out his pain meds--even after his bath he just has this medicinal smell to him.  He keeps smiling, he keeps saying please and thank you, he is one amazing kid. 
My other amazing little one has decided to be somewhat of a stinker pants lately.  Apparently G decided to tear the entire house apart when I was out running this afternoon.  Just had to get out of the house.  The sunshine felt good.  My legs are very sore, however.  Running outside is a bit different than running on the treadmill.  It was only my second run outside and my body has yet to adjust ;).
Marty just left to go out with some friends of ours to celebrate St. Patrick's day, and I just got Griff out of the bath tub and into some jammies.  G is watching "The Rescuers" on my bed, Max is watching basketball on the couch, and it looks like we'll all be camping out together again tonight.  Thankfully Griff can sleep through anything.  He's got a myriad of pillow pets, pillows, and blankets all over the floor while Max and I share our bed.  Marty sleeps in G's room.  Looks like I have lots of picking up to do and should probably get another load of laundry done.  Got all the bedding washed today.  Fresh sheets will be nice to sleep in tonight.  One of life's greatest simple pleasures to me--clean sheets!
My little author and artist with all of his sticky notes to communicate with us on our headboard.  They are all over our house :).  Spares him from the pain of talking (and his voice has changed a little)...
Max combats his pain by keeping busy drawing and writing books and reading.  I am trying my best to keep Griffyn away--he's lost a bit of the sweetness he was showing to Max and now it is quite clear that he is very jealous of all the attention Max is getting from Mommy and Daddy.  We got G a Lego Star Wars set (which Max so graciously put together for him) as his gift for being such a big helper and super little brother.  He is mad Max gets to sleep with mommy, but is benefiting from all the jello, pudding, ice cream, fudge bars, and Popsicles (that Max is quite sick of ;)) that abounds within these walls :).  He thinks Max is pretty lucky.  We keep trying to convince him otherwise...
I'm just tired, but not hurting like my nine year old.  So beautiful outside and he can't play--but we can still enjoy the sunshine.  He's missing baseball too. 
We truly appreciate all the cards and well wishes--mail from Aunt Tonya and Uncle Mike and his cousins Sierra, Caden, and Jacie and a card from Grandma and Grandpa Mitchell made his day yesterday.  The McDonald's and Target gift cards from you both were so sweet as well.  His card from his good buddy, Dalton ("go long soon, Max"--a picture of the two of them playing football :)), is hanging on our front door as well~~along with all the other pictures from friends.  Visits and gifts and treats from Gma and Gpa and Aunt Jen in Norwalk have made his day on more than one occasion, as well as a giant gift bag full of art supplies and McDonald's goodies from the Van Egdom crew (we will credit you guys when he publishes his first illustrated novel :)).  We really appreciate all the prayers, emails, phone calls, and face book messages as well.  His group hug send off from all his buddies at school was awesome.  See, boys CAN be thoughtful and sweet :).  I've always maintained that :).  Max feels very loved and our hearts are full.  Max prays for so many people--I think it has made him feel very blessed to have prayers going up for him this time around.  He sees, feels, and hears the love, all--endless thanks to each and every one of you!!!
Time to clean up the hurricane that went through this house while daddy watched basketball (I'm suspicious that it begins with the letter G), hound Max again about drinking water, and get our little sleep nest ready for the night of constant wake ups ;)--one of these days and nights this will all be a very distant memory.  Thankful Max has all of next week to recover as the boys have spring break.  Dr. Schulte promised me we would not regret this.  I'm holding him to that promise ;)...
sometimes a boy just needs his mommy
If anything, this whole experience has made Max and I even closer.  And he is so very thankful for everything:  every Popsicle, bowl of ice cream, foot rub, back rub, song, story, glass of water (should have bought stock in Mio drops--love them--highly recommend), and any time spent comforting him.  He amazes me.  Truly humbling...
Happy St. Pat's and if you see my husband, make sure he behaves ;)--he'll be the one decked out in all green Hawkeye gear, of course.  And he kind of looks like a giant leprechaun ;).  Take care, drive safe, and thanks again for being the wonderful folks you are.  Much love and thanks to y'all!
balloons from Aunt Jen and Gma and Gpa
Aunt Jen and Gma brought us treats from Fizz and we decided to have a pic nic.  Max managed to get a couple bites down of his favorite grilled chicken and cheese only sandwhich.  G inhaled his chicken burrito.  Giant QT slushie was what was for supper for Max.  He managed to get a few more bites of his yummy sandwhich down today.  Aunt Jen had her first walking taco ever!  Thanks for cheering up Max, Jen and Mom (and for the yummy dinner)! :)

Cuddle Mario pillow from Mommy and Daddy and Griffyn

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