"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Friday, September 21, 2012

It's a mad, mad world...

Feeling a bit like Alice today.  Crazy evening the night before with no sleep--my youngest's cold making it impossible for him to sleep--thus morning work out plans derailed (that was ever so much needed to regain a sense of strength and sanity).  But we plug away.  Little G needed extra lovings as he was feeling yucky and was so sad to miss preschool and Maxaroo had teeth that needed to be pulled (the bottom ones were not loose, so the top ones were coming through his side gum line).  Our water heater had been going into "vacation mode" for the past few weeks and we were constantly running out of hot water, so got that fixed today as well.  All with a raging headache.  Now for some rest and cuddles with the boys--and hopes for a more sane tomorrow.  Our small town's homecoming is this weekend, so Daddy is cheering on our Wildcats for us!  The boys are sad they are having to miss it...

Looking forward to fallish things--apple and pumpkin picking, our days at Cambridge, making yummy fall treats, the chill in the air, the changing of the colors (however, not the worsening of the stirring up of our allergies), cozy fires, and the homeyness that fall brings.  Marty's busy with football, football and more football.  Gives us some quiet weekends with just me and the boys time that I love as well.  We get a lot of that in the fall :).

The boys want to get the Halloween decorations out this weekend and as I LOVE this "holiday", that involves three totes worth of pumpkins, ghosts and goblins.  Since Christmas decorations are already gracing department stores, we might as well.  I know I'll have two very happy little helpers.

Truly, our days at Howell's and Cambridge (Center Grove) are my absolute favorite out of the entire year.  How many times can we go before Christmas?  I heard they even have season passes to Cambridge.  May be something worth looking into.  Nothing better than digging into nature and clean open country air to liven and restore the soul and spirit. 

Bed time for this tired mommy.  Will be dreaming fallish dreams and wondering how many different ways one can bake pumpkin and cream cheese yumminess :).  Love and peace...

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