"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


First pool day!  Almost mid June-but we'll take it!!!

Such a beautiful day.  A perfectly, awesome, beautiful day--and I should be in bed as it is very late.  So very, very late and work comes so early--but as usual, I am rebelling against sleep.  No, I am NOT done with this day.  I'm not ready to let it go!

Yoga, amazing session, no soreness, had the energy for it and felt great.  Griffyn came in for kisses, to tell me he loved me, and to critique various moves, but I made it through the entire two hours.  Felt very accomplished.  Finally got my hair cut.  It had been months.  People kept asking me if I was growing it out.  No, in fact, I just hadn't had a second of time to myself to get it scheduled and taken care of.  It's hair is all.  But it sure felt good to get it done! 

Back home to the boys and our first pool day!  Here we are heading into the middle of June and our FIRST pool day.  We picked up Max's best friend and headed over for some fun in the sun (along with the rest of the town who had the same idea as we did).  Great seeing so many friends and especially hanging out with the Noland crew and catching up with Ava.  My darling, we are having a party just for you when that cast comes off!  I keep my promises! Griffyn was so happy he got to spend lots of time with his lovely Harper who has the most "bootiful eyes!".  I was not the best mother at reapplying the sunscreen and my boys are slightly pink this evening.  Much aloe was applied after bath time.  Poor children.  Bad, bad mommy. 

We came home and grilled out quickly, then all the boys went to watch G's t-ball game.  Great to see Shelly and Jordan and Lute again as we've been so busy we only seem to catch them at t-ball games anymore (and Hailee as well :) ).  G was pretty exhausted, but they all played well and Luther took a brave stop to the face.  What a trooper!!!  Always fun seeing the boys hit off pitches too!  Great job, Rockies!  Finally getting all of the kid's names down! :)  Such a fun bunch of boys!

Daddy pitching to Griffyn
My #5

Max and Aiden watching Griffyn's t-ball game
Tired and so not ready for a ten hour day of craziness tomorrow on little sleep, but this emotional roller coaster of meds that have just racked my body have made life a bit insane these past months upon months and I'm trying not to be too hard on myself and just go with it.  I have to, or I end up spending every night in tears.  Deep breaths and one day at a time.  Doing the best I can :).  Taking in the simple joys and praising God for all the great things, the good things, the beautiful things--and if I can only be still and quiet and if people take that for something else, I'm truly sorry.  Truly.  Day by day--that's how this family is plugging along and just trying to do best by my family in this moment that God is growing us and healing this mommy.  That's all I can do right now.

So today was special.  The warm sun, my happy boys, their giggles, their stinky sweat, the junk food, the happy abandonment of summer.  Now back to reality tomorrow :).  And God is there--in that tomorrow.  Ready to hold me and help me put one foot in front of the other, with lots of coffee, prednisone (just a few more days left), albuterol, and prayer.  Much love to you all and so thankful for such an understanding and gracious God and that he puts such wonderful people in our lives who can extend the same.  Life is rough, can be so tough, but there is so much joy to be had in so many little things--like chocolate pudding cups, French fries, and hot dogs off the grill :). (and yes, you probably really don't want to know how many hot dogs we've consumed this ball season ;))  and egg rolls from a friend this afternoon -- super yummy, Gloria :).  Lots of little joys (and really, mine aren't all food ;) ). 

The boys are drifting off to Jack Johnson's Curious George CD and Marty will be up watching movies and it's time for this momma to catch a nap before my alarm goes off much too early tomorrow.  Time for a talk with my Father above and some rest, for my soul, if not my body.  Much love all--even if I have a clumsy way of showing it...  <3


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