"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Friday, April 20, 2012

Are we there yet?

Nothing insightful, deep, or particularly meaningful today.  I'm just really tired and completely spent, as most of us are at the end of the week.  My day began yesterday at 4:30 a.m. and I didn't get home till a quarter till nine p.m.  Not enough sleep again last night, and a busy day of errands and getting laundry done and ready for yet another baseball game tonight~but happy that it was not a ten hour work day :).  Attempted to work out on the treadmill while G watched "Smurfs" to spark my energy, as that sometimes helps, but feeling very dizzy and faintish (probably not a word) today and had to stop after 20 minutes.  Not sure what's going on--most likely a lack of sleep.
Feel like I'm always rushing and running but never able to "stop" at a destination.  Running and rushing but never "there".  Because once I am there, there is always somewhere else to go.  Maybe that's the definition of parenthood these days...
Saw this photo and couldn't help but laugh.  It quite honestly made my day.  Anything that makes ME laugh is worth brief mention--just a reference to how tightly wound I am and not an allusion to a superb sense of humor ;).  Maybe this is what I need to give me the kick in the butt I am so lacking--since exercise and all the caffeine and sugar in the world don't seem to be working ;)...
While talking to my doctor this last Tuesday, I had an extensive amount of paperwork to fill out.  One of the things to mark off was if you experienced extreme fatigue on a daily basis (and yes, my thyroid has been checked several times ;))--and I said yes, but it's only because I don't get sleep ;).  The paradox that gets us all.  Sleep matters so much, as my doc said, and can mess with so many things--or the lack there of.  But how on earth do we realistically get it?  In this life, the times we live in, this day and age--it seems nearly impossible.  As possible as finding a parking spot near the building where I work ;)...
I miss simpler times.  Not necessarily the time before kids, just SIMPLER times.  Times of just coming home and having nothing else to do but be together.  I miss that.  I think THAT is gone for awhile now.  But, as my husband reminds me, we just have to enjoy the times we are together the best we can--even if those times of "togetherness" are spent running around... (sometimes pretending we are being chased by dinosaurs to occupy G's time at Max's plethora of baseball practices ;)).  Happy running!

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