"Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."

The Little Prince

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The littlest angel wings...

Chase and Easton Van Egdom

Three years ago tomorrow, on April 19th, the world lost a little baby and heaven gained a little angel in Easton James Van Egdom.  His twin brother, Chase, and big five year old brother, Enoch miss him lots~as well as his amazing mommy and daddy.  Our hearts, our prayers, and our thoughts go out to their family ten fold on this day.  We love you all so very much...

I will always remember that day as I have never had a phone call that has literally made me drop to my knees.  I knew baby Easton was in the hospital, but had talked to Stace and he seemed to be doing okay.   The poor little guy had had so many ups and downs and ups again--his tiny body was used to struggling and fighting and getting back up again.  This time he just couldn't do it, and Jesus called him home.  A short time on this earth, but one that left a gigantic whole in his family's life that will be felt forever~until they are all reunited in heaven one day. 

I picked up the phone to talk to Lindsey while folding laundry on our bed just like any other time.  Catching up on our lives, talking about work, the boys...  I was not expecting the horrible news she would tell me.  Stunned and sad does not even begin to describe it.  Falling to the ground, I couldn't stop crying.

Heartbreak, utter and complete heart break for this momma who had been through so much, soldiered through the feeding tubes, the medicines, the countless trips to the doctor--with a smile on her face and hope in her heart and a strength that deserved nothing less than complete admiration.  And I remembered holding him--so fragile to me with all those tubes--and Stacy reassuring me that I would not yank them out, and if I did, it would really be okay.  This tiny little human being--just gone.   And through tears I went and I hugged my boys and we prayed.  Our family prayed for this family.  Because what else could we do?

And we continue to pray for this courageous family.  I can only imagine the deep hurt and pain that such an immense loss would cause, and I have no doubt that it will never go away.  Even though we know through God's mercy and grace that heaven is now Easton's home, it still hurts like hell that he's not here.

And sometimes I catch myself thinking about the reunion this family will have one day.  Brothers finding brother, mom and dad--a family reuniting souls--and I smile.  What complete joy!  But for now, I firmly believe that Easton is keeping watch over his bro's on earth (and Chase needs all the extra watching he can get) and his mommy and daddy as well.  He is happier than we could ever imagine to be and in the greatest of places (even better than Disney World) ever unknown to man :). And we continue to "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord." as Psalm 31:24 says and although we may not understand why, we pray for peace for the Van Egdom family, and for blessings beyond their wildest dreams...    

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